SleepingCat250x250Aveda for curly hair

Fran has curly hair! She shares her hard won hair care tips. Links to products and procedures and all manner of useful information.

Alligator chain saw

I love this electric chain saw! I even bought two of them! Here's a review, demonstrations and where to get a good deal, too!

Radio removal tool and how to

How to make the tools for removing a car radio/stereo.

Stop paper jams!
Fix or replace your printer's pickup roller

If your printer is having misfeeds and paper jams, the cause is often a faulty pickup roller. The pickup roller is what grabs the sheets and pulls them in. Learn how to fix or replace the roller.

A review of my Wen generator

I did some research and bought a generator. I really like it!

My Maximpulse videos at YouTube

About 45 videos on a variety of topics
